“I am a student of Photography, and I am half way through a BA(hons) degree with the University of Creative Art in London. I am doing the course online.
This year I was asked to open a blog, and record my thesis and assignments in this new format, so that it would be easy for my tutor, and examiners to follow my progress.
Naturally I had no idea how to operate a Blog. I enrolled on Julie’s course and received the the necessary coaching that enabled me to operate my own personal Blog.
During the course of the next three months, I sought Julie’s assistance on a number of occasions, she was more than helpful and assisted me in fine tuning the design.
Julie many thanks for your help, I’m glad to say I feel I have mastered and operate the Blog to meet all my exam requirements. Not bad for a mature 73 year old student.”
Michael Cummins
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